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The interplay and parallel working process of theoretical as well as practical work in the masterthesis shows that through the possible roles of design in collaboration the diversity of a material can be demonstrated and explored in a more sustainable, broad and holistic way. A multiplication of the results opens the spectrum of possible applications. The "Material Diversity" approach developed from the theoretical master thesis is adapted to the practical part and implemented.

By using the "Material Diversity" approach, the diversity of the "WhiteWood" material concept can be presented as a whole. With the help of explorative, experimental material tests with different techniques and matrices, properties such as aesthetics, processing and stability of the structure are tested. The development and research of new innovative material concepts is facilitated by the multiplication of results, so that the material can be economically implemented more quickly in different areas. The vision of replacing raw materials from fossil sources is supported.

Design specifically focuses on different areas, which only show the diversity of a material as a whole in the interaction and collaboration between design and science:
A). Explorative Prototyping (Material-Driven
     Experiments, visualizations and prototypes with a scope for          interpretations and for possible applications)
B). Communication (marketing, economic
     feasibility and demonstration of sustainability)

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© 2019 by WhiteWood, Meri Zirkelbach

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